
Today the computer has a rest
Thanks to some woe at the ISP, much of the day's work was blitzed. Life has come to a halt. There is niet, nought and nothing to click on. There is niet to eat also so this nietness is complete. All that's now deemed edible is on the larder baking shelf - and this Plain Chocolate flavour block quickly won the battle for my attention. A bag of Ground Nuts was envious. The Glace Cherries were gutted.
After all that, and a few bites later, this bar has never seen chocolate. It may have briefly looked at some but it learned nothing from that. It's taste and texture cannot be recommended to readers. This cooking chocolate is to chocolate, what Windows XP is to anything else. It's a cosmetic covering to hide whatever's beneath it.

Pic: Cooking chocolate - cure for chocolate addiction

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