
Profanol - Tabletipedia - anti-rage (spoof)

Propofol (Diprivan) is used to induce anesthesia during surgery or medical procedures. However we are having none of that as today I invent Profanol (Corblimivan) a non-existent drug to moderate handling of situations that require an expletive. These situations often aggravate latent Tourette's syndrome or bring about its remission. 

Examples include waking up to receive this year's gas bill; reading that St Paul's Cathedral, a Christian church is evicting people with a similar mission on its forecourt; hearing MP Andrew Lansley spout the wisdom of a taxi driver on the National Health Service; or negotiating the perpetual road works throughout Cambridge, UK.  

I claim ownership of the brand having misread the name of the sleep-inducing drug cited in the trial of Michael Jackson's doctor.

Form - tablet
Tagline - nil by mouth.