
Windows mobile - for doctors and hospital patients

Hello. It's now day 1600 of my phone rage over Windows Mobile. Today's rant has nothing to do with the thoughtlessly-tiny OK box in this error message.

If I were a doctor, or a friend of a hospital patient, I'd be distressed over this common error message. It would bring my heart to a stop. The message, which occurs simply when making a call when there's no signal, can be dismissed with a fingernail filed to a point. The real message can't be dismissed so easily: despite having a fantastic user base, Windows Mobile at version 6 (SIX!) isn't going to last many more versions. 


Windows mobile is a pile of

A burst of inspiration today almost led to the creation of a blog to record my phone-rage since swapping a phone OS from Symbian to Windows Mobile. Alas my preferred title of "windowsmobileisapileof..." had already been used by several correspondents.

Ten years ago the Sony Ericsson P800 smartphone offered the freedom to gad about town with access to web; email; train times; diary and a phone. A couple of years on, it was followed by similar models including the P910. All were very functional but still ridiculous to use as such.

But Windows Mobile changed that not a lot. Today it offers access to the same web; email and all but still with yesterday's awkwardness and speed. What's changed is that more people now have it. What's
nice is that more people have recognised that for doing almost everything in its feature list, Windows Mobile is a pile of do do.

Keep up the good work Android & Apple