
Sony Ericsson Xperia arc review - Android mobile

A reviewer of the HTC Sensation, fresh from the seduction by a press briefing, was talking about its 3D interface. Noticing that the weather icons now animate in 3D he adds, "this provides a more immersive weather experience'. Not only is this most hilarious, it typifies just how much the phone makers are driving people's wants. The wants seem to have exceeded the needs.  

Reviews about Sony Ericsson's awesome phone, the Xperia arc have majorly misled me over the last several months (mid 2011). After reading so many, you imagine that not having a dual-core processor in 2011 is going to have an impact on an already fast and responsive phone. 

But I have yet to do anything on the 'xperia arc' that leaves me waiting for a page to turn; a video to change orientation or a web page to load. It's pretty fantastic really that portable devices used to do things at a fraction of the speed of a desktop computer, but now they seem to have caught up.  

Reviews of Android devices by phone-kids on the web just occasionally focus on usability; lightness; the value of having hard keys; how well they nestle in the hand and how well supported they are by the maker. But instead of reviewing how a phone works for the user I read trivia. One kid doesn't like the quality of a plastic cover - even though it ends up hidden behind a phone case. Another kid remarks on the size of the included memory card even though I've not begun to fill it after several months. 

The Xperia Arc is a quality design and is fit for purpose and well fit even for playing around. The Xperia ArcS appeared in late 2011 and has the dual-core processor.


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